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Math Guidelines


Our entire building will be using the same grading scale.  There will be three main grades:

 “A” (above proficient)

 “P” (proficient)

 “L” (less than proficient)


Listed below is a detailed breakdown of the grading scale:

A+ 100%-97%

A 96%-94%

A- 93%-90%


P+ 89%-86%

P 85%-75%

P- 74%-70%


L 69%-0%


Math Grade Breakdown:

Tests (60%)

Quizzes (30%)

Homework/Projects (10%)



Homework is graded on completeion and not correctness.  Students receive a score of 2, 1, or 0 based on completion and effort given to the assignment.


2 - Completed to the best of their ability

1 - Partially completed or completed but not with their best effort

0 - Homework is not started or is not at school

East Elementary

501 Normal College Ave.

Sheldon, Iowa 51201

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